Bondarenko Olga
Therapeutic reception: treatment of caries, pulpitises, periodontitis by adults and children, restoration with modern materials...
Turi Mikhail
Manipulation: all types of tooth extractions (simple, atypical, wisdom teeth)...
Umanez Nikolay P.
Experienced otolaryngologist (ENT doctor) with more than 20 years of experience! Works with adults and children as well. Treating Sinusitis: sinusitis, sphenoiditis, frontal rhinitis (rhinitis), including allergic rhinitis, ARVI, otitis (ear inflammation), laryngitis, tonsillitis (tonsillitis), pharyngitis.
Todurov Ivan M.
Dr Todurov I. is Professor of thoracoabdominal surgery. He is the author of more than 150 scientific articles and owns 30 patents for inventions. Operations on the gastrointestinal tract, including oncological-150. Operations on Obesity-120. Complications-2%, successful-98%. Sleeve resection of the stomach (laparoscopy), gastric bypass (laparoscopy), biliopancreatic shunting in the Hass-Marceau or Skapinaro modification
Strelko Galina MD, fertility specialist
Ms Strelko G. has passed a magistracy in Rouen University.<br />
Candidate of Medical Sciences, in 2004 she defended her dissertation on the topic: "Infertility treatment caused by the syndrome of polycystic ovaries with the use of assisted reproductive technologies."<br />
Actively takes part and speaks with scientific reports at All-Ukrainian and international scientific conferences and symposiums on obstetrics, gynecology, perinatology and reproductology. At the moment MS Strelko is a leading specialist in IVF in Ukraine, who works on difficult cases, which would include genetic hereditary problems, genetic risk mapping etc. Clinic "Family source" is very experienced in egg donation with ICSI, IVF, PGD tests as well as in surrogacy cases.
Medicare-4u works only with doctors who have earned a good reputation in the field of their expertise. Almost all the doctors on the list are speaking English and have a scientific degree. Ukrainian doctors are often traveling abroad for international practice and to take part in scientific activities. The cost for an initial appointment with a doctor in Ukraine could be done on-line.