Galina Strelko
Head of the Medical Center "Rodinne Dzherelo", obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductive specialist, doctor of the highest category, with more than 20 years of experience.
Sphere of special interests is the treatment of infertility in women after 35 years with a reduced ovarian reserve.
Ms Strelko G. is one fo the well-known fertility expert, head doctor of clinic IVMed in Kyiv.
She has a scientific degree – a candidate for medical sciences.
Member of the Ukrainian Association of Reproductologists (UARM), the European Association of Reproductologists (ESHRE), the American Association of Reproductologists (ASRM).
Spoken languages: French, English, and Italian.
Ms Strelko has passed a magistracy in Rouen University.
Candidate of Medical Sciences, in 2004 she defended her dissertation on the topic: “Infertility treatment caused by the syndrome of polycystic ovaries with the use of assisted reproductive technologies.”
She actively takes part and speaks with scientific reports at All-Ukrainian and international scientific conferences and symposiums on obstetrics, gynecology, perinatology, and reproductology. At the moment Ms Strelko is a leading specialist in IVF treatment in Ukraine, who works on difficult cases. Cases, which would include genetic hereditary problems, genetic risk mapping etc. Clinic IVMed has extensive experience in egg donation with ICSI, IVF treatment, PGD tests as well as in surrogacy cases.
MD Strelko G. will offer you an initial consultation for working out your plan of IVF treatment.