PhD MD Todurov Ivan M
PhD MD Todurov Ivan M
PhD MD Todurov Ivan M.
Graduated from the Kyiv Medical Institute
Doctor of Medical Sciences
In 2005 he was award as Honored Doctor of Ukraine.
In 2009 was awarded the State Prize of Ukraine.
2007 – 2015 years – the head of surgery of the digestive tract and intestinal transplantation at Shalimov Institute.
Dr Todurov I. is a Professor of thoracoabdominal surgery.
He is the author of more than 150 scientific papers and owns 30 patents for inventions.
Operations on the gastrointestinal tract, including oncological-150
Operations on Obesity-120
Complications-2%, successful-98%
Sleeve resection of the stomach (laparoscopy), gastric bypass (laparoscopy), biliopancreatic shunting in the Hass-Marceau or Skapinaro modification
Dr Todurov I. is a leading expert in Ukraine when it comes to obesity surgeries