“I wish to inform you on my experience with 32 Dent, Medicare4U and Pavel Oltarzhevskyy. My story is a strange one I had interest in Ukraine and had 10 months communication with a lady in Ukraine and had planned to come to Ukraine. In the months leading up to my visit I learned from my dentist here in the states that something had gotten lodged between two molars and I needed 2 root canals. I had x-rays and inquired about the cost of such a procedure. My estimate here in the states was $4,000 all the money I had saved to take a trip to Ukraine. I was distressed to say the least I really wanted to go to Ukraine but was not going to lose any teeth! …
Sehr geehrtes Krankenhausteam,Mit Herzschmerzen wurde ich ins Kiewer Herzcentrum eingliefert und es wurden sofort alle notwendigen Untersuchungen gemacht.Ich brauchte Bypässe am Herzen. Nach dem Gespräch mit dem operierenden Arzt hatte ich volles Vertrauen und ich wußte, hier wird alles für mich getan.Nach der OP wurde ich sehr gut von der behandelten Ärztin, den Krankenschwestern, den Masseuren und Sporttrainern betreut und konnte so nach 4 Tagen schon wieder aufstehen und laufen.Ich danke allen, die an meiner Genesung beteiligt waren und wünsche Ihnen alles Gute im Leben.
“When I first decided to have dental treatment I looked at countries more familiar and came across the Ukraine, kiev by accident. Not knowing anything about this destination I further researched not only the treatments on offer and the huge savings compared to the UK but also the culture. I was very surprised to see what a beautiful city it was and how safe I felt as a lone female traveller. I was met at the airport by a taxi company that was employed by a lot of the accommodation, when I arrived at my accommodation I was met by the owner who explained about the apartments and if I was happy with my accommodation…