Sehr geehrtes Krankenhausteam,
Mit Herzschmerzen wurde ich ins Kiewer Herzcentrum eingliefert und es wurden sofort alle notwendigen Untersuchungen gemacht.
Ich brauchte Bypässe am Herzen. Nach dem Gespräch mit dem operierenden Arzt hatte ich volles Vertrauen und ich wußte, hier wird alles für mich getan.
Nach der OP wurde ich sehr gut von der behandelten Ärztin, den Krankenschwestern, den Masseuren und Sporttrainern betreut und konnte so nach 4 Tagen schon wieder aufstehen und laufen.
Ich danke allen, die an meiner Genesung beteiligt waren und wünsche Ihnen alles Gute im Leben.
Lutz Bethg
“I wish to inform you on my experience with 32 Dent, Medicare4U and Pavel Oltarzhevskyy. My story is a strange one I had interest in Ukraine and had 10 months communication with a lady in Ukraine and had planned to come to Ukraine. In the months leading up to my visit I learned from my dentist here in the states that something had gotten lodged between two molars and I needed 2 root canals. I had x-rays and inquired about the cost of such a procedure. My estimate here in the states was $4,000 all the money I had saved to take a trip to Ukraine. I was distressed to say the least I really wanted to go to Ukraine but was not going to lose any teeth!
I decided to look into Ukraine and their quality of dental care. Online I was amazed to read that Ukraine has very high standards of dentistry. Many dentists from Germany, England, and USA will travel to Ukraine and study the latest procedures and technics. I contacted the clinic and sent my x-rays to 7 dentists for an estimate. 32 Dent had the best price so I started my search there. I called Pavel and we talked, I instantly noticed he spoke very good English and questioned him on it. He told me he lived in New York for some time and with that and our conversation, my comfort level increased greatly. I live in New York so I knew Pavel knew our standards.
To my relief, my trip to Ukraine was back on and I planned my trip. Pavel personally met me at the airport. He took me right to the clinic where they took panoramic x-rays and got me in to see the dentist. Pavel was with me the whole time to explain the procedure and translate my concerns. I was pleasantly surprised by the cleanliness of the clinic and its modern equipment. The dentist was pleasant and its staff. I never felt a thing in the procedure and after 4 visits I was amazed at how nice my teeth looked and how natural my bite felt.
Pavel proved to be a huge asset in my trip to Ukraine. I was in a country in which my language skills were limited, to say the least. The lady I was to meet never showed and never answered my calls so now I was alone with no help it seemed. I could not have been more wrong! Pavel came though anytime I needed him arranging taxis and such. We went out to eat and drinks a few times and to my surprise, the people of Kyiv could not be kinder or more accepting of strangers. I made many friends that I still talk to today. I am already planning my return trip and plan to have more work done at 32 Dent. Come to Kyiv and experience the beauty and kindness of the country Ukraine”.
New York, USA
“My own UK NHS dentist said I needed some intensive dental work doing and after following their advice visited a UK dental surgeon. I was not happy with the prescribed treatment and the quoted costs and so I decided to leave it for a while. During a chat with a colleague, he mentioned that some other countries offer high-quality treatment and better costs for this kind of work.
After some investigations with different companies, I decided on Ukraine. From my panoramic dental x-Ray, the doctor in Kyiv had seemed some areas of dental work I needed that my own dentist or that other dentists had not seen. With this, I settled on their prescribed treatment and most of all I was happy with the quoted costs.
It is always with trepidation that you venture into the unknown like this but I had read good reports on the practice at 32Dent in Kyiv. I was met at the airport and the Medicare representative was also there on each dental visit to make sure all translations and work needed were explained and that it went smoothly. Not that I should have been worried as the dentists and assistants were wonderful and very professional. The equipment and hygiene standards at 32Dent are second to none, and all the people working there are amazing people. The amount of treatment carried out in the time spent in Kyiv was nothing short of miraculous and would have taken four or more times longer in the UK and cost much more.
I loved my time in Kyiv and Pavel the Medicare Representative ensured that the apartment was perfect and even showed me around the city so I could find my bearings to better enjoy my stay. I do plan to go back again to have some more work done and I am happy to do so”.
Derek Halsall
Hertfordshire UK
“When I first decided to have dental treatment I looked at countries more familiar and came across Ukraine, Kyiv by accident. Not knowing anything about this destination I further researched not only the treatments on offer and the huge savings compared to the UK but also the culture. I was very surprised to see what a beautiful city it was and how safe I felt as a lone female traveler. I was met at the airport by a taxi company that was employed by a lot of the accommodation, when I arrived at my accommodation I was met by the owner who explained about the apartments and if I was happy with my accommodation. The following morning I was met and collected by a representative of Medicare and taken to the dental practice where my treatment was carried out. I was so surprised to see the state of the art equipment and how friendly the staff was. I had quite a lot of dental work done which took quite some time, I was totally at ease after Pavel translated to the dental surgeon exactly what I required and the dental surgeon informed me at every stage exactly what he was doing, was I ok, etc. Being in the medical professions I perhaps more than most was a little skeptical but surprisingly unfounded. I was over the moon with what they had done and it was painless. I plan to have more treatments and have been twice now for excellent quality dental work, Dent 32 was just fantastic and I am happy to talk to anyone who is thinking of treatment in Ukraine, I am absolutely amazed. I have visited the Heart center in Kyiv and spent some time in theatres and the fertility clinic to compare it with the UK, the rates of success in these areas of medicine are possibly higher than the UK having researched the statistics. What I found was just how interested and friendly the medical staff was in the facilities that I felt privileged to visit”.
Ruth Bates-Siney
UK, Brighton
“Hospital experience was and is not a pleasant one but Medicare4U represented by Pavel made a big difference in this area, his dedication and his effort to make the patient as comfortable as possible is a task considered very difficult.
Moreover, doctors, nurses, and all the staff who treated me were exceptional; they tried their best to ensure patients’ requests are fulfilled, even though some of them lacked English capabilities. The standards are very good and I am very happy with all.
Medicare4U is a great company in medical tourism and I really hope the best for them especially for Pavel.
Thank you all and my best wishes and success”.
Sami Tashkandi
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
“Pavel I want to take this opportunity to say thank you for all you did for me, you were excellent and executed everything in a very professional manner. What was a daunting experience for me you took away the pain and made it relaxed and free of worry again I thank you very much. I know our time was only brief but I think of you as a friend please keep in touch and if there is anything I can do for you in the future please ask”.
Bob Finch
“Both my wife and I had successful Blepharoplasty surgery in October 2010, thanks to the help of
Medicare4U and Pavel in particular.
Medicare offered us a choice of private clinics in which to have this procedure.
Once we felt 100% happy with the clinic and the surgeon we went ahead.
With Medicare taking us to the clinic and providing translation when required”.
“We would also like to say that aftercare was excellent from Medicare, collecting & delivering
to us the after medication requires.
We would be very happy to recommend Medicare4U to anyone looking to have surgery in Ukraine.
We would be happy to speak to anyone if required”.
Nigel and Helen Still
“Medicare4U was an easy, on-line single point of contact to identify qualified medical providers.
Even though I have a paid insurance plan here in Kyiv I found the physicians they pre-screened to be well-qualified
and worth paying directly for timely and personal service.
I now have an insurance plan for some issues and now I also have a personal physician who is always on-call for me.
This is a doubled feeling of security”!
Tom Rudy