Medicare4U provides the following orthopedic treatments:
General orthopedics
Sports medicine Shoulder Knee and hip Foot and ankle |
Physical medicine and rehabilitation Osteoporosis and bone health Pain relief medicine Hand and elbow |
The range of treatments provided by orthopedists is extensive. They include procedures such as traction, amputation, hand reconstruction, spinal fusion and joint replacements. They also treat strains and sprains, broken bones, and dislocations. Some specific procedures performed by orthopedic surgeons are listed as separate entries in this book, including arthroplasty, arthroscopic surgery, bone grafting, fasciotomy, fracture repair, kneecap removal, hip and knee replacement and traction.
Orthopedic surgery can be performed under general, regional, or local anesthesia.
Much of the work of an orthopedic surgeon involves adding foreign material to the body in the form of screws, wires, pins, tongs, and prosthetics to hold damaged bones in their proper alignment or to replace damaged bone or connective tissue. Great improvements have been made in the development of artificial limbs and joints, and in the materials available to repair damage to bones and connective tissue. As developments occur in the fields of metallurgy and plastics, changes will take place in orthopedic surgery that will allow surgeons to more nearly duplicate the natural functions of bones, joints, and ligaments, and to more accurately restore damaged parts to their original ranges of motion.
Persons are usually referred to an orthopedic surgeon by a primary care physician, emergency room physician, or other doctor. Prior to any surgery, candidates undergo extensive testing to determine appropriate corrective procedures. Tests may include x rays, computed tomography (CT) scans, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), myelograms, diagnostic arthroplasty, and blood tests. The orthopedist will determine the history of the disorder and any treatments that were previously tried. A period of rest to the injured part may be recommended before surgery is undertaken.
Surgical candidates undergo standard blood and urine tests before surgery and, for major procedures, may be given an electrocardiogram or other diagnostic tests prior to the operation. Individuals may choose to donate some of their own blood to be held in reserve for their use in major surgery such as knee replacement , during which heavy bleeding is common.
Thousands of people have successful orthopedic surgery each year to recover from injuries or to restore lost function. The degree of success in individual recoveries depends on an individual’s age and general health, the medical problem being treated, and a person’s willingness to comply with rehabilitative therapy after the surgery.
Abnormal results from orthopedic surgery include persistent pain, swelling, redness, drainage or bleeding in the surgical area, surgical wound infection resulting in slow healing, and incomplete restoration of pre-surgical function.
Learn more on Knee Replacement procedure (Video)
Learn more o Hip Replacement procedure (Video)
Learn more about other orthopedic procedures (Video)
Orthopedics in Ukraine
Learn more o Hip Replacement procedure (Video)
Learn more about other orthopedic procedures (Video)
Orthopedics in Ukraine