Cosmetic plastic surgery includes surgical and nonsurgical procedures that reshape normal structures of the body in order to improve appearance and self-esteem. Healthy individuals with a positive outlook and realistic expectations are appropriate candidates for cosmetic procedures. Plastic surgery is a personal choice and should be done for yourself, not to fulfill someone else’s desires or to try to fit an ideal image. Because it is elective, cosmetic surgery is usually not covered by health insurance.
Type of Cosmetic Surgeries
Breast Enlargement
Breast Uplift
Breast Reduction
Nipple Correction
Cheek Implants
Chin Implants
Ear Correction
Hair Transplantation
Nose Surgery (Rhinoplasty) |
Arm Lift
Calf Implants
Female Genital Surgery
Thigh Lift
Tummy Tuck
Weight Loss
Am I a Suitable Patient?
There are various ways in which you could be suitable for a facelift, mini facelift, neck lift or other facial cosmetic procedure but as with any cosmetic surgery procedure, a main trait that would make you a suitable candidate would be having realistic expectations. By keeping a lower expectation in mind it will avoid any major disappointment.When you visit your surgeon (s)he is likely to tell you that you should be aiming for an improved appearance over the old one rather than the perfect appearance. If you keep this in mind and this what you are seeking, then you are more likely to be happy with the results.
There is not a minimum age for undergoing facelift or cosmetic surgery, but most people who do are aged between 40 and 70, though people above or below this age bracket can be suitable candidates as well.
In terms of more physical traits that are needed to be an ideal candidate, a lot of them depend on your health and your facial,neck(skin, muscles, bone structure etc.). You will need skin that has flexibility and retains its elasticity. This is because the skin is pulled tight once the excess has been removed. The second trait to being suitable would be having loose skin on your face or on your neck.
What Kind of Result Can I Expect?
A rhytidectomy, or facelift surgery, aims to give you a facial appearance that is both younger and firmer with the obvious results being an improved look and a restoration of your confidence. Obviously the results that you notice depend on your reasons for undergoing the procedure to begin with. The wrinkles on your face will be gone, as will the loose skin around your neck and other areas. In replacement, your face will appear younger, firmer and more refreshed. Factors such as the weather and the elements (sun and wind in this case) affecting your face will also be targeted, giving you a face that you are happier with.
If you have realistic expectations you are likely to be satisfied with the procedure at hand. The procedure does not stop the aging process altogether and this is something to keep in mind with the results themselves lasting for up to ten years. The lower part of the face is better suited to the procedure than the top.
There of course a number of benefits to undergoing a facelift which range from a rejuvenated facial appearance to having a smoother jaw with no jowls and also the improvement of your confidence. To determine whether this would work for you can ask surgeon to show you 2D or 3D pictures of what your appearance may be like after the procedure. As a result you can adjust your expectations accordingly so that you do not view cosmetic surgery as a route to the perfect face, but instead as a route to an improved look.
You can also ask your doctor about their history, in which case they can show you before and after photos from previous surgeries. This will give you a better idea as to the background of the doctor and whether you can place confidence in them. It will help you gauge the doctor’s skills and in particular whether he is right for you. The images that observe under these conditions with them will be more trustworthy than most as it will give a better understanding as to what you can expect, particularly from that surgeon.
Image below depicts areas of the face and neck that patients usually have concerns and wish to have cosmetic procedures carried out. In the UK these procedures generally priced at between £4,000 and £7500, the countries that we offer the same treatments will cost between 49% to 84% less. These are a considerable reduction in price for travelling to another coutry that contrary to popular belief have world class surgeons and state of the art facilities that are equivalent to the UK.
Are There Any Side Effects From Face Lift Surgery?
procedure but will not feel much pain. The surgeon may determine that a mild sedative is required in order to reduce stress and anxiety.
Following the operation the excess tissue, muscles, and skin will be removed and the surgeon will close any incisions that were made with either staples or stitches. The patient’s face and hair are then washed in order to prevent any aggravation or irritation to the skin around the area operated on. The area will be wrapped with gauze or an elastic bandage in order to prevent excessive bleeding. The patient will continue to feel some numbing sensations and discomfort that can be treated and calmed with painkillers. Most patients are able to walk within one or two days and it is recommended that they take a week off from work. Physical activity should be limited for the first few weeks following operation. After a few weeks you may experience an itching sensation for some time due to the formation of a small scar. This itchy feeling should disappear within the following two to three weeks.
This procedure can cause some swelling of the eye region and full recovery can last several weeks. In a minimal number of cases there is a small amount of hair loss that can take a few weeks to several months to return. For most people the incisions are underneath the hairline and thus there is no risk of scars that can be viewed by the public. If you have a receding hair line then there might be signs of a very light, thin scar following surgery.
A forehead lift should not be performed on those who are at risk of blood clots, smoke, or have uncontrollable high blood pressure without proper permission and a physical from a licensed physician.
The results from brow and forehead lifts are almost always pleasing. The operation allows patients to appear much younger and more rested than they did prior to the lift. You may feel tired and down on yourself immediately following the procedure because of the medication and incisions, but this feeling passes within the first few days as you notice how much younger and better your face looks.
Neck Lift
The neck is often the first part of the body that shows age-related blemishes. As human beings age then the loose hanging flaps of skin on our necks begins to lose its ability to hold itself up. This process creates extra skin and fat that gravity pulls downwards and eventually creates rigid wrinkles and other types of blemishes. These blemishes are caused by either extreme weight loss or genetics that come into play later on in a person’s life. A neck lift is an excellent procedure that can help reduce these signs of aging and can restore your neck so that your entire body begins to look younger. The medical term for neck lift is platysmaplasty.
The procedure is somewhat invasive which means that several incisions will have to be made by a qualified surgeon. Incisions are made around the ear regions as well as directly underneath the chin. Excess skin can be removed cutting off a small piece of the skin and reattaching the two sides through stitches or staples. Because of the location of the incisions there is little to no noticeable scarring following the operation. The procedure is typically an outpatient operation which means that you will be able to recover from the operation at home. General anaesthetic is required and the patient will feel as if they are asleep during the operation. A neck lift will usually take between two to three hours to perform. After any excess skin is removed the surgeon will either remove or alter certain neck muscles in order to tighten the structure of the neck. Liposuction may also be performed on the neck region if the surgeon deems it to be beneficial.
Neck lift patients should plan on setting up a recovery room at home. Recovery from this type of procedure does take time and it is important to be patient during this process. Most surgeons recommend that you take one to two weeks of time off from work and to wait at least one month to participate in any intense physical activity or sports.
Most patients will have some swelling and bruising for several days and may feel a tingling or tightening feeling around the operated areas. This is normal and will cease after a few days. Painkilling medications are often prescribed in order to ease this pain.
The majority of patients are very pleased with how the operation changes their appearance. In the months that follow the operation they admit to having greater self-confidence and are able to wear a wider variety of clothing and still feel comfortable. The goal of the operation is to help the person to look and feel more natural and give the impression that they have lost weight and that they look younger. The effects of a neck lift can last a long time and even last through the patient’s entire life. Each year there are thousands of people who benefit from a neck lift operation. If this is an operation that may benefit you then you should seek the counsel of a qualified physician or surgeon.